1.2 (2017-07-13)

Order API

Field endpoints

The entries of endpoints list do not contain fields endpoint_ref and endpoint_ref_type anymore.

Field address

This dictionary, previously on endpoints list entries has been moved on the order root.

It allow to specify the address of the endpoint(s) enpoints in case of a line creation. In case of activation, it is automatically populated, contains the address of the endpoint and is readonly.

The address.residence field has been renamed to address.housing_complex.

Field activation_info

This new dictionary now contains the mandate_id field.

Feasability API

Field endpoint

Field characteristics.section_lengths has been renamed characteristics.sections_lengths

Fields characteristics.available_pairs, characteristics.max_available_pairs and characteristics.under_construction have been moved on dictionary info.

Field offers

The offers under_condition field has been renamed under_conditions.

Appointment API

For appointments of type fixed-erdv, field erdv_comment has been renamed time.

Products API

Field settings

Field nb_pairs has been renamed to pairs_nb.

Field mode has been added.

Field sla has been added.

Field options

Field desat has been renamed to paid_desat.

Field portability has been deleted.

Fields provider and line_type have been added.