
The next step of the journey consists in carrying out the Feasibility studies (or FEASIBILITY) on the Covage platform.

  • Eligibility


Prior to launching a feasibility study, it is recommended to identify the service endpoints, ENDPOINTS on the Covage platform.

  • An access service (PRODUCT FAMILY ADSL, SDSL, …) is defined by a single ENDPOINT.

  • An infrastructure service (PRODUCT FAMILY WAVE) is defined by two ENDPOINTS.

An access service is defined by one end point, the ENDPOINT:

  • A copper-type ENDPOINT is uniquely identified by a 10-digit line number and an active or inactive state

If you don’t know the identifiers for the ENDPOINTS, the following method will help you find out:

  • search by address


For copper, you can retrieve the technical characteristics of the ENDPOINT.

See the complete description of the eligibility API here.


Addresses are standardized by each local loop operator. An address consists of several standardized elements, among which, in particular, the ones listed below:

  • the town or CITY

  • the road or STREET

  • the street number or STREET NUMBER

  • the postal code or ZIPCODE

  • the INSEE code

  • the RIVOLI code, which identifies the road unequivocally


For copper, the information regarding the address structure is based on FANTOIR, the standardized address frame of reference of the copper local loop operator (town-street files called 42R4)

In order to assist you (and your end customers) in describing a standardized address that the copper local loop operator can understand, the Covage platform provides you with the following functions, which will show you the address structure of the local loop operator:

  • retreive the towns (described by their INSEE code and their wording) associated with a postal code

  • retrieve the streets (described by their INSEE code and their wording) associated with a city

  • retrieve the available numbers on a street

The rules governing the copper address format are described in this paragraph.

See the complete description of the eligibility API here.

Product eligibility

Subscription to one or more PRODUCT FAMILY allows you to launch the eligibility process on the PRODUCT LINEs of the PRODUCT FAMILY. A PRODUCT LINE is a product range in which products have the same characteristics, such as the rate. You can retrieve the list of PRODUCT LINES on which you can launch the eligibility process by means of the API.

An eligibility request on a product line list returns the eligibility result for all the PRODUCTS in the selected PRODUCT LINES. A PRODUCT is a product included in the Covage catalog. A PRODUCT has a set of features such as the RATE, the COS (or class of service) and other technical characteristics linked to the technology. You can access the list of the PRODUCTS and characteristics available for you to order by means of the API.

The results include PRODUCTS (several PRODUCTS for a single PRODUCT LINE) together with an eligibility status.

Eligibility for Covage offers





subject to technical and commercial conditions


not eligible at the moment, but further deployment is foreseen: a preliminary date can be provided


not eligible


unknown eligibility status due to a communication problem with the supplying operator

In order to know the exact values used in the responses, please see the eligibility API here.

Copper Eligibility

A copper eligibility function allows you to check the possible offers on a copper line for one or more PRODUCT LINES.

In the specific case of MAX offers, the eligibility result includes the technical characteristics of the product: max download and max upload (for each VC possibly, in the case of a bi-VLAN product)

Eligibility on portability

In the specific case of activation commands on a copper access that is active for products with the portability option, you have the choice to order portability or not in the order for access.

The possible returns are:

Eligibility for portability



Eligible for portability


Not eligible for portability

See the complete description of the eligibility API here.